When Bishop William Bonner interviewed Mother Wheatley for his book, My Father in the Gospel, she remarked at one point that Harlem was "infested" with women preachers. This may seem harsh, but one of characteristics of Lawson's doctrine was his disapproval of female ministers. Differences of interpretation of the New Testament scriptures concerning women in church help precipitate Bishop Lawson's withdrawal from the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. To this day, "no women preachers" is a fundamental point of doctrine for most of the church groups that came from under the Lawson umbrella. Some of these churches have recently begun the practice of ordaining women as elders, a practice that even the fairly liberal Church of God in Christ has yet to do.
Bishop Lawson's relationship with female clergy began in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, whose doctrine of gender-inclusive ministry was largely influenced by the egalitarian nature of the Azusa Street Revival. Women and men were considered equal in Christ, though ministerial titles differed. Women were known as "evangelists," while men were known as "presbyters," or "elders." Men, then as now, outnumbered women in the ministry; additionally, certain offices, such as district elder and bishop, were closed to women.
Bishop (then Elder) Lawson spent much of his early ministry traveling through the Mid-West and at least as far east as New York City. We know that he encountered a church in New York pastored by Mother Susan Gertrude Lightfoot (or 'Lightford'). Apparently Lawson preached for Mother Lightfoot's church, King's Chapel, though he did not endorse women preachers scripturally or experientially. When Lawson resigned from the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and settled in Harlem, several of Mother Lightfoot's members 'defected' and began supporting his ministry.
According to Mother Wheatley's interview with Bishop Bonner, on more than one occasion women who were pastors ascribed to Lawson's doctrine and turned their churches over to male ministers. Interestingly, Mother Wheatley conceded that Lawson's teaching was not so much against women preachers as it was against women pastors, and went on to describe how she and a group of women were commissioned by God to begin a work in Mamaroneck, N.Y. (today known as Strait Gate).
In those days, a Pentecostal woman who became a missionary was not simply joining a women's auxiliary or a fundraising committee, but was acknowledging a calling to work alongside (but subordinate to) male ministers, at home or abroad, for the saving of souls. What kinds of activities typified the vocation of these called women? Let's find out by examining the work of several women who began their mission work under Bishop Lawson.
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